What we've been up to and what's coming up

July 2024 | U16/U18 Games Begin July 3rd!
July 2, 2024
U16/U18 Game Schedule is available here
Games begin July 3rd for all teams
U16/U18 Practices begin on June 18th at Inland Athletic Park!!
Practices will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30pm-6:45pm
Game schedules can be found here:
May Update
Outdoor practices begin this week for all, from the minis up to those who should be hanging up the boots.
Practices will be at Inland Athletic Park - 5563 112Ave NW. The fields are located at the far west end of the park.
*Please watch our Instagram page @CalgarySaracens for any updates, if the weather changes and the City delays opening the park*
Minis (U5/U7/U9) - Mondays and Wednesdays 6pm-7pm
U11/U13/U15 - Mondays and Wednesdays 6pm-7:15pm
Senior Men and Women - Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:30pm-8:00pm
U16/18s Enjoy your high school season and we will see you in early June. Watch our IG page for updates.
Any questions, please reach out to your program VPs
Junior -
Women -
Men -
The schedule for all teams has been released by CRU. See link below for more details.
Our Men's teams complete in Division 1 (AC) and Division 2 (MDEV)
Our Women's team competes in Division 2 (SWA/SWB/SW1)

Thank you to our generous sponsors for supporting our Junior teams for 2024!

April 17th 2022
The Saracens are happy to announce our 2022 Sponsors and wish to thank them for all their help and support!
Jones and Salt Insurance Brokerage
Westrow Food Brokers

May 6, 2024
Registration for the 2024 season is now open on our registration page for all age groups from Minis to Seniors.
Get yourself, your kids, your significant other, that person you sat beside on the train or at the bar, get them all signed up for what's set to be a fantastic summer of Rugby!
Registrations are completed through the Rugby Canada Sportlomo portal:
For all other registration questions and inquiries, please reach out to the following; for technical support within the registration system for general inquiries related to the mens program and registration for general inquiries related to the womens program and registration for general inquiries related to the Mini and Junior programs and registration

2024 season
We are eagerly anticipating the start of the 2024 season and with that, we are looking for volunteer coaches/team managers with all age grades.
If you would like to volunteer, please email indicating in the subject line the team that you would like to assist with and in what capacity.

Support the Saracens
A clubhouse flood.
A world-wide plague.
Are you asking what could possibly be next? You are not alone!
It has been an incredible couple of summers for the world, and also for the mighty Saracens. Sports organizations around the world are struggling to stay afloat. After 2 years of very little opportunity to register players the Saracens are in a challenging financial state. Year to year, we rely almost exclusively on dues to stay afloat as a club.
In difficult times, communities band together to survive.
Ask not what the Saracens can do for you, but what you can do for the Saracens.
Jump on board for any fundraisers or social nights that the club organizes
Volunteer to participate in the fall clubhouse clean up or to shovel through the winter
Chip in by making a donation to the club $50, $100, or whatever you wish to contribute. Donations will be tracked to the Order of the Green Crescent and will go a long way to helping the Saracens navigate these uncertain times.
Sign up for a Social Membership, $50 for the year.
Donations and social memberships will help with on field costs and the on-going maintenance and up-keep of our beloved Clubhouse.
In solidarity, we thank you.
Up the Mighty Saracens

President: Inaki Azpiazu​
VP Admin: Victor Nwabuogor
VP Finance: Nate Amey
VP Men: Ben Marin-Guzman
VP Women: Abi Parke
VP Juniors: Will Goodman
VP Promotions: George Sinyakin
VP Facilities: Josh Trinham
Secretary: Ryan Hurley
Up the Mighty Saracens!

2024 Season
Have bags of bottles lying around?
Want to help out the club? Donate them to us using @SkipTheDepot . Download the app using the following link; or search Calgary Saracens in the app. Any amount is welcome!